New Brazing Audit Criteria Released by MedAccred

In response to industry demand, the MedAccred program has recently released new audit criteria for brazing. AC8102/1 MedAccred Audit Criteria for Heat Treating - Brazing will be used during MedAccred audits conducted at companies performing brazing in an atmosphere or vacuum furnace or  in a dip salt bath. The new audit criteria were developed by the MedAccred Heat Treating Task Group which is comprised of technical experts from Johnson & Johnson, Stryker, GE Healthcare, Medtronic, Applied Thermal Technologies, Bodycote, Harterei Gerster, Hansen Balk, Lake City Heat Treating, Paulo Products and Solar Atmospheres. To date the Task Group is one of the most successful within the MedAccred program. It has released six audit criteria in total and has several companies who have already achieved accreditation; these include Solar Atmospheres, Hansen Balk and Bodycote. The industry chairperson of the Heat Treating Task Group is Bruce Dall, Senior Staff Quality Engineer – Metal Injection Molding of Stryker. He is very proud of the achievements of the program to date:  “I would like to thank my fellow members of the Heat Treating Task Group for their hard work and the commitment they have shown in the development of these new audit criteria for brazing. In most other environments we are competing organizations but when we come together as a MedAccred Task Group, we are able to put aside our rivalries in the interest of quality and working towards consistently safer products for our patients. The fact that we are now seeing suppliers stepping forward to pro-actively gain a Heat Treating accreditation MedAccred is a strong indication of how important this program will be to the future of the industry and I am proud to be at the forefront of this effort.” Companies interested in gaining accreditation for Heat Treating are encouraged to contact Justin McCabe, MedAccred Co-Lead ( for more information. Companies achieving accreditation will be listed on MedAccred’s Qualified Manufacturers List (located at